Colorado Cannabis Research Group is an educational and social organization who celebrates the beauty, conservation and enjoyment of cannabis (genus Cannabaceae). Our purpose is to educate our members and the general public about all aspects of growing cannabis in Colorado.
To further these goals, we maintain a seed bank open to members, provide lectures, plant swaps and shows, and promote fellowship among our members and with members of other groups with similar goals. Membership is free.
All of our activities provide an opportunity to learn more about growing cannabis, exchange gardening tips, share expertise, and make new friends.
Yearly Schedule
- January – Member and guest potluck
- February – New cultivar introductions from Members
- March – Equipment Swap Meet
- April – Annual Plant & Seed Swap
- May – Meeting/Education
- June – Meeting/Education
- July – Annual Resin Tasting Event
- August – Monthly educational program by local expert
- September – Meeting/Education
- October – Annual Plant Show
- November – Harvest Celebration
- December – OFF
Club Events
Our club’s main activities are to maintain the Annual Plant & Seed Swap in April, Resin Tasting Event on 7/10, and the Plant Show in October.
Plant & Seed Swap
The Plant & Seed Swap in April is when members and guests exchange seeds and or plants that may be prepared for the upcoming season which starts outdoors after Mother’s Day on the Front Range. We also maintain a collection of hundreds of hybrids and heirlooms, which are accessible by members for certain projects and reproductions.
Equipment Swap
Each year we organize a swap meet in order to get rid of old equipment and maybe trade for other things that you’d like to try. This is a “garage sale” so to speak for all grow related equipment.
Resin Tasting
The Resin Tasting Event is a focus around cannabis specifically grown for resin. This event will showcase the work of many indoor growers that are perfecting the art form of resin.
Plant Show
The Plant Show in October is where members can show off their seed grown selections, bred, grown or selected in Colorado. This event showcases exclusively Colorado flower and resin from seed grown plants. The event also hosts an end of the year seed and plant sale.